Snoke theory darth plagueis book

Oct 15, 2015 donate to help improve frequency and quality of content. James luceno takes darth plagueis down the dark path and never looks back. At long last, the star wars story of the mysterious sith lord darth plagueis and his apprentice, darth sidious, is revealed. In the force awakens, his history was very much guarded, with plot points teasing he was a new regal leader cut from the. My theory snoke is the grand inquisitor or at least one of the brothers from star wars rebels tv series. One of the most prominent theories was that snoke was in fact the legendary darth plagueis. Snoke seems to be missing his lower jaw, which is similar to an injury darth plagueis received years before the phantom menace when he was training palpatine. Snoke appears to have an injury to his mandible and around the lower jaw region, similar to darth plagueis after his attempted assassination in the eu. Having seen and analyzed the force awakens over 7 times in past 5 days, ive got a bone to pick with darth plagueis theories.

Darth plagueis, remembered as darth plagueis the wise, was a male muun dark lord of the sith and heir to the lineage of darth bane. Dec 28, 2015 i believe that supreme leader snoke will actually turn out to be the former master of darth sidious himself, darth plagueis, in star wars. The last jedi started by marsphoenix, dec 25, 2017. This star wars ix theory about snoke connects to a. This star wars 9 theory explains how palpatines return in the rise of skywalker connects darth plagueis to kylo ren and snoke. The popular star wars fan theory that supreme leader snoke would be revealed as darth plagueis in star wars.

Lucasfilm story groups pablo hidalgo dismissed the darth plagueis theory in may 2016. Nov 27, 2015 last piece ill put which i think solidifies the plagueis theory is an interview andy serkis did with entertainment weekly in which he said the following. At some unspecified point in his life, snoke acquired a black obsidian stone from the catacombs and mines beneath the castle of the sith lord darth vader on the planet mustafar. I, however, protest if he now posessed the body of that boy from my avatar.

An alien muun, who might resemble a somber and a very enjoyable and entertaining star wars novel. Find books like darth plagueis from the worlds largest community of readers. He is a cgi character voiced and performed by andy serkis. While hes previously said things like snoke is snoke, a conversation over the weekend saw him get very specific about the theory that darth plagueis, the master of.

Spoiler darth plagueis is snoke and then is the broom boy discussion in star wars. Its like the line darth plagueis the wise starts the motif, which you only hear once, with his fricking name. Darth maul is supreme leader snoke star wars theory darth maul as supreme leader snoke. Snoke was a humanoid alien who was a master of the dark side of the force. Episodes viii and ix will not reveal to viewers that snoke. That popular supreme leader snoke theory just took a major hit. Andy serkis says supreme leader snoke is not darth plagueis. They are both born out of the force, but snoke is the product of a failed attempt at the creation of human life. Spoiler darth plagueis is snoke and then is the broom boy. One of the most controversial decisions made with star wars. Snoke is darth plagueis and star wars 9s real villain. Since 2015, fans have been speculating what the true identity of supreme leader snoke andy serkis is and his background. He worked round the clock in the shadows to combine the dark side of the force with science. Now i am a pretty big star wars fan but there are sooooo many other things to enjoy and at the end of the day my heart is more concerned with superheroes but that doesnt mean speculating on snoke is a bad idea.

Heres why the snoke darth plagueis theories are probably wrong. Our friends at stupendous wave present that theory in the video above. The most famous was, however, was that he was darth plagueis, darth sidious sith master, who was mentioned anecdotally in the 2005 film star wars. I believe that supreme leader snoke will actually turn out to be the former master of darth sidious himself, darth plagueis, in star wars. Dec 19, 2015 darth plagueis, hiding from sidious, becomes snoke, founder of the knights of ren, who will help him rule in a new period of darkness. The force awakens villain snoke probably isnt darth plagueis a popular fan theory suggests that the mysterious figure played by andy serkis could be a sith lord mentioned. Supreme leader snoke is quite an enigmatic character, and strangely vulnerable at the same time as being quite powerful, serkis says. Supreme leader snoke is darth plagueis theory explained comicbookcast2. The last jedi seemingly died with snoke, but the story could still be true for star wars. If this is the case, and if he figures into the new trilogy because of this survival, then lucenos book about him dying would be contradictory. The rise of skywalker confirms snoke was a clone cbr. The force awakens supreme leader snoke played by the ever talented andy serkis is in fact sith lord darth plagueis.

That said, the newer novel tarkin, written by the same author. Heres why supreme leader snoke is not darth plagueis this rumor has been circulating for months, and it doesnt look like its going to stop anytime soon. Pablo hidalgo of the lucasfilm story group dismissed the darth plagueis theory in may 2016, and raxs death in the 2017 novel. Whats the best evidence that supreme leader snoke is not. Did you ever hear the tragedy of darth plagueis the wise.

What that statement really means in the context of the new star wars trilogy is. Darth sidious, who later frames his history and reputed ability to control natural phenomena of life and death as a legend used to lure anakin skywalker to the dark side of the force. The force awakens graphic novel adaptation appears in hologram. In the legends canon, palpatine did create clones of himself as he was obsessed with immortality. Star wars episode 7 the darth plagueis theory youtube.

This star wars ix theory about snoke connects to a key. Dec 10, 2015 my theory snoke is the grand inquisitor or at least one of the brothers from star wars rebels tv series. Did you ever hear the tragedy of the snoke is plagueis theory. Dec 21, 2017 it is now confirmed that snoke came from the unknown regions and brought the first order to power for a short time before his apprentice killed him, much like palpatine and darth plagueis.

The snoke is plagueis theory was born out of early speculation for star wars. James luceno is the new york times bestselling author of the star wars novels millennium falcon, dark lord. The last jedi visual dictionary provides some interesting information about snokes background. Snoke is essentially a reanimated corpse of darth plagueis, dark lord. Mar 10, 2020 what if palpatine didnt create snoke, after all. The force awakens villain snoke probably isnt darth plagueis.

This second theory could imply that darth plagueis survived and took the form of snoke after using his knowledge of midichlorians. For years, fans have theorized that snoke might be darth plagueis. The last jedi brought back plenty of original trilogy heroes, but it was a new arc. Darth plagueis attempted to create him, but the force was. Nov 08, 2018 for years, fans have theorized that snoke might be darth plagueis. Apr 21, 2018 andy serkis says supreme leader snoke is not darth plagueis. Secretly an artificial creation of darth sidious, snoke was engineered on.

There is no evidence that directly proves or disproves that snoke is plagueis, but it certainly seems like the route theyre going on. At some point, snoke must have found the wreckage of the death star on the forest moon endor, and was infected by darth plagueis when he came upon the corpse of palpatine. St why snoke is darth plagueis jedi council forums. Nov 09, 2017 maybe plagueis found a way to come back, explaining the decay and scars on snokes face. A star wars book, darth plagueis, told the story of the characters backstory but it is no longer considered star wars canon. First of all, lets examine what is meant by the statement. Star wars 8 the last jedi set photo leak suggests supreme leader snoke is. For over a year now, its been circulating around the web that the main villain for star wars. Over the weekend i came across a piece of evidence that seems to prove that, at very least, j.

Episode ix the rise of skywalker darth sidious, to kylo ren. Why snoke is darth plagueis page 20 jedi council forums. The darth plagueis theory is predicated on the idea that the sith lord weighs as heavily with lovers of. That popular supreme leader snoke theory just took a major. Sorry, star wars fans, that snoke darth plagueis theory has been. It is turned out that he is in fact a dark side version of the mummy. Now i am a pretty big star wars fan but there are sooooo many other things to enjoy and at the end of the day my heart is more concerned with superheroes but. A star wars book, darth plagueis, told the story of the characters backstory but it is no longer. If youre a fan who has been buying into the snoke darth plagueis theory that. Darth maul is supreme leader snoke star wars theory. Star wars legends star wars legends book 19 kindle edition by luceno, james. It might be nothing new for a regular reader of the in, but it was new for me.

The rise of darth vader, cloak of deception, and labyrinth of evil, as well as the new jedi order novels agents of chaos i. Supreme leader snoke is a fictional character in the star wars franchise. Apparently theories on snokes true identity litter the web, most focusing on darth plagueis. Snoke is a failed clone of darth plagueis the final.

What if he simply appropriated a failed darth plagueis clone body. He is the mentor and murder victim of future emperor sheev palpatine a. The book is split between darth plagueis and palpatine. But, i guess, the best part is getting into the head of a sith. Palpatine clone theory reveals snokes ties to a shadowy. Download it once and read it on your kindle device, pc, phones or tablets. In fact, im more convinced of this than i was about either of those game of thrones theories. Jan 04, 2016 the idea, based on music cues that exist in both the force awakens and revenge of the sith, was that supreme leader snoke was, in reality, darth plagueis, the legendary sith lord that palpatine.

Palpatine might not be dead either if he really got his hands on. No the clone of sate pestage isnt far from being the almost dead hego damask darth plagueis. Find out why the snoke darth plagueis theories are wrong. What made the theory that snoke is darth plagueis so enticing was that it brought the third star wars trilogy into a more thematic continuity with the prequels and the original trilogies. Snoke works in the background during the days of the empire, preparing to return to his original plans once plagueis revenge is complete upon sidious. Snoke, whom abrams called a powerful figure on the dark side of the force, was introduced. In legendseu canon darth plagueis book plagueis was a muun.

Goodreads members who liked darth plagueis also liked. A star wars book, darth plagueis, told the story of the charactersbackstorybut it is no longer consideredstar wars canon. Darth plagueis is a fictional character in the star wars franchise, first mentioned in star wars. The last jedi doesnt disprove the darth plagueis snoke theory. Mar 24, 2017 star wars 8 the last jedi set photo leak suggests supreme leader snoke is darth plagueis, according to a star wars theorist. Leading up to the movie, snoke was one of the most theorized aspects of the movie, and not just with the plagueis theory. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading darth plagueis. Another popular fan theory was that snoke was star wars rebels protagonist ezra bridger. In his public guise as magister hego damask ii of the. But neal scanlan, chief of creature and droid effects, told people, this character is much better executed as a cgi character. Darth plagueis by james luceno, is part of the star wars expanded universe. My theory is that darth plagueis, instead of being killed by sidious, actually found a way to survive.

The force awakens, in which he is introduced as the supreme leader of the first order, a rogue military junta formed from the fallen galactic empires remains. In the same way palpatine bookended the first two trilogies as the ultimate villain, darth. This episode we talk about the darth plagueis theory in star wars episo. Why supreme leader snoke is darth bane the snokebane theory.

A new star wars theory makes a convincing case for darth plagueis being linked to both snoke and palpatine. Jan 06, 2016 following those clues snokes appearance, his dark force power, his connection to kylo ren has led to a prevalent theory among fans that snoke is secretly darth plagueis, the sith lord. Spoiler darth plagueis is snoke and then is the broom. My immediate answer yes yes yes yes, but im getting ahead of myself. That said, the newer novel tarkin, writtenby the same author. Snoke is a clone of this forgotten sith lord inverse.

Theres also the physical appearance, in which plagueis description in his titular and canon novel. Following those clues snokes appearance, his dark force power, his connection to kylo ren has led to a prevalent theory among fans that snoke is secretly darth plagueis, the sith lord. Why supreme leader snoke is darth bane the snoke bane theory. The only time you hear the words darth plagueis in all of the star wars. This book focuses on two sith lords namely darth plagueis and his apprentice darth sidious aka palpatine.

Dec 24, 2015 supreme leader snoke is darth plagueis theory explained comicbookcast2. Heres why the snoke darth plagueis theories are probably. This is a novel part of what is known nowadays as legends in the star wars novel series, in other words, noncanonical anymore featuring the events of the life of darth plagueis and his apprentice darth sidious. Donate to help improve frequency and quality of content. Supreme leader snoke is darth plagueis theory explained. For years, fans have theorized that snoke might be darth plagueis, a legendary sith master first mentioned in episode ii. Released in 2012 it now falls outside the official canon cut off point in 2014 but is filled with. The following contains major spoilers for star wars. Its going to be bizarre if he isnt plagueis at this point. Abrams, lawrence kasdan, and michael arndt for the 2015 film star wars. While he was all about politics, sith mysticism became a huge part of his studies, too, since his days as darth sidious under his master, darth plagueis. Obsessed with eternal life, he experimented with ways to cheat death and create new life from the midichlorians.

Trained by darth tenebrous, plagueis mastered the art and science of midichlorian manipulation. Some keeneared fans had already concluded that snoke was darth plagueis. Sure, darth plagueis had his own book following the release of. Part of the initial arrival at darth plagueis was born out of a fan desire for everything in star wars to be connected, in the same way, fans speculated rey was a skywalker, finn was. Star wars theory that emperor palpatine is snoke popsugar. Snoke is a failed clone of darth plagueis the final snoke theory.

The last jedi was the shocking death of supreme leader snoke. New york times bestseller the best star wars publication to date. Star wars story group definitively says supreme leader snoke. Apr 19, 2019 this star wars 9 theory explains how palpatines return in the rise of skywalker connects darth plagueis to kylo ren and snoke.

Like all sith lords before him, he craves absolute power. He bares very similar resemblance to darth plagueis muun species. May 12, 2016 it would give snoke a presence, if they arnt going to go down the plagueis route, just making him another dark side of the force user, or and emperors guard would feel a little meh like a throwaway villain, but you make him the original person to use the dark side of the force and instantly he has significance. Basically a series that mixes novel content with leias short time as a jedi. Episode ix, making darth plagueis the biggest star wars villain of them all. Sep 06, 2017 while hes previously said things like snoke is snoke, a conversation over the weekend saw him get very specific about the theory that darth plagueis, the master of darth sidious aka emperor. Nov, 2017 apparently theories on snokes true identity litter the web, most focusing on darth plagueis. An old theory claims that supreme leader snoke andy serkis is similar to anakin skywalker. Reddit user zorinindustries argues supreme leader snoke was an imperfect clone of darth plagueis, palpatines old master. If youll remember, as palpatine was pushing anakin skywalker toward the dark side in the clone wars, he told the story of darth plagueis, a dark lord. The movie revealed that snoke was a clone, and the book revealed. Darth plagueis was a dark lord of the sith, so powerful and so wise that he could use the force to influence the. I cant remember which book it came from, it might have been the art book or visual dictionary, but im almost 100% sure that a book said he was aboard a command ship.

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